A conceptual framework for the targeting and evaluation of UNICEF-supported pro-equity programmes

Title: A conceptual framework for the targeting and evaluation of UNICEF-supported pro-equity programmes

Authors: Jan Ostermann, Volker Grzimek, Kathryn Whetten, Donald H. Taylor, Thomas C. Ricketts

Date: October 6, 2011


The objective of this paper is to describe a conceptual framework for the selection of target districts for equity-focused interventions, to outline methodological approaches for the implementation of the selection process, and to describe options for the evaluation of the intervention’s effects on outcomes and equity.

In a hypothetical scenario, a UNICEF country programme is assumed to support a country’s government to deliver one or more interventions for up to 5 years in several of the country’s districts, subject to budget constraints. Child wellbeing with respect to the intervention(s) is measured by a single outcome indicator. The goal is to demonstrate improvements in the outcome indicator and reductions in inequity in the distribution of the outcome indicator within intervention districts and between intervention and non-intervention districts.

The objectives of this paper and an associated workshop are to outline methodological options to: 1) Identify the intervention districts;

2) Estimate the impact of a successfully implemented country programme on the outcomes gap between children in intervention districts and between intervention and non-intervention districts;

3) Simulate the effects of varying district selection strategies and budget constraints on programme performance;

4) Clarify which data are required to utilize the model and assess the programme’s impact with and without the availability of control/comparison data from non-intervention districts

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