The OVC Tools page was created to provide researchers and partitioners with resources for enhancing the wellbeing and flourishing of orphans and separated children and adolescents. This page was made possible by Catholic Relief Services.

Child Status Index (CSI)

provides an easy-to-use tool to assess children’s current needs, monitor improvements in specific dimensions of child well-being, and identifies areas of concern that can be served by program interventions.

Yekokeb Berhan Child Support Index

is designed to improve child-wellbeing by ensuring that highly vulnerable children and their families can increase their knowledge, skills, self-reliance and access to appropriate, quality-driven services that will, in turn, lead to healthier, more productive and more fulfilling lives.

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) OVC Wellbeing Tool

places an agency priority on OVC programming and has aimed to find a way to measure the wellbeing of OVC in a holistic manner. Using a scientific process, CRS developed an OVC Wellbeing Tool (OWT) for use as a self-report measure for OVC aged 13-18.

Project Hope’s Parenting Map

develops innovative concepts and tools such as the Parenting Map, a low-literacy data collection tool intended to provide caregivers with a quick but comprehensive snapshot of each child’s “well-being” in the household.