Whetten, Rachel
Position: International Sector Director at the Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research (CHPIR)
Education: MPH, Health Behavior/International Health; 2001, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. BA, Anthropology; 1996, State University of New York at New Paltz, NY.
Current Projects: Rachel is currently working on at variety of different research project at CHPIR. Her current project include: Positive Outcomes for Orphans (POFO), Coping with HIV/AIDS in Tanzania (CHAT), Tearfund Evaluation (Child Sexual Abuse Evaluation in Russia), and Coping with HIV/AIDS in Russia (CHAR), among many
Background: Rachel directs all research activities within the International Sector of the Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research (CHPIR) at Duke University. She is interested in international public health and health disparities research with a focus orphans and children, mental health, substance use and trauma. She has a particular interest in the cultures and people of the former Soviet Republic and Eastern Bloc countries.
- Email: rachel.whetten@duke.edu
- Mail: 2812 Erwin Road, Suite 403; Durham, NC 27705
OVC Wellbeing Content:
More than the loss of a parent: Potentially traumatic events among orphaned and abandoned children
Child work and labour among orphaned and abandoned children in five low and middle income countries
A conceptual framework for the targeting and evaluation of UNICEF-supported pro-equity programmes
Malawi Orphans and Vulnerable Children Evaluation (MOVE)
Cambodia Orphan Project Evaluation (COPE)
Child transitions from residential facilities to other communities: predictors of child wellbeing
Pathways to health and well-being: social networks of orphans and abandoned youth
News articles:
Duke study recently released finds orphans in need of protection
Study finds orphanages are viable option for some children
Protective mental health services critical for orphans worldwide
DGHI study finds child labour is prevalent among orphans
Study finds less reported HIV-related stigma against orphans in institutional care