Hightow-Weidman, L., Muessig, K,. Egger, J.R., LeGrand, S., and Platt, A. | 2020 | Predictors of Condomless Anal Intercourse in Young HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex With Men With Detectable Viral Loads | Journal of Adolescent Health |
Cooper, H., Reif, S., Shilling, S., and Wilson, E. | 2020 | Social media support group: Implementation and evaluation | AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV |
McCrary, A.W., Nyandiko, W.M., Ellis, A.M., Chakraborty, H., Muehlbauer, M.J., Koech, M.M., Daud, I., Birgen, E., Theilman, N.M., Kisslo, J.A., Barker, P.C.A., and Bloomfield, G.S. | 2020 | Early cardiac dysfunction in children and young adults with perinatally acquired HIV | AIDS |
Agala, C.B., Fried, B.J., Thomas, J.C., Reynolds, H.W., Lich, K.H., Whetten, K., Zimmer, C., and Morrissey, J.P. | 2020 | Reliability, validity and measurement invariance of the Simplified Medication Adherence Questionnaire (SMAQ) among HIV-positive women in Ethiopia: a quasi-experimental study | BMC Public Health |
Langhaug, L., Finnegan, A., schenk, K., Puffer, E.S., Rusakaniko, S., and Green, E.P. | 2020 | Caregiver self-efficacy to talk about sex predicts conversations about HIV transmission risk with perinatally infected young people in Zimbabwe | AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV |
Agala, C.B., Fried, B.J., Thomas, J.C., Reynolds, H.W., Lich, K.H., Whetten, K., Zimmer, C. & Morrissey, J.P. | 2020 | Reliability, Validity and Measurement Invariance of the WHO’s Quality of Life Scale among Women of Reproductive Age Living with HIV in Ethiopia - a Quasi-Experimental Study | Applied Research in Quality of Life |
Amon Exavery, J.C., Kuhlik, E., Barankena, A., Ally, A., Mbwambo, T., Kyaruzi, C., Mubyazi, G.M., Kikoyo, L. and Jere, E. | 2020 | Correlates of Uptake of Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV-Positive Orphans and Vulnerable Children Aged 0–14 Years in Tanzania. | HIV/AIDS (Auckland, NZ) |
Pack, A., Maman, S., Reyes, H.L.M., Nyblade, L., Whetten, K., Zimmer, C., Gray, C.L. and Golin, C. | 2020 | Predictors of HIV Testing among Orphaned Youths in Three East African Countries | AIDS and Behavior |
Exavery, A., Charles, J., Kuhlik, E., Barankena, A., Koler, A., Kikoyo, L. and Jere, E. | 2020 | Understanding the association between caregiver sex and HIV infection among orphans and vulnerable children in Tanzania: learning from the USAID Kizazi Kipya project | BMC Health Services Research |
Frood, S. and Purssell, E. | 2020 | “Barriers to” and “Recommendations for” Providing Care and Support for Children Living as AIDS Orphans in Township Communities in the Eastern Cape South Africa; A Cluster Analysis | International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences |
Montenegro, L., Velasque, L., LeGrand, S., Whetten, K., Rafael, R.M., and Malta, M. | 2019 | Public Health, HIV Care and Prevention, Human Rights and Democracy at a Crossroad in Brazil | AIDS and Behavior |
Choi, S.K., LeGrand, S., Dong, W., Muessig, K.E., and Hightow-Weidman, L. | 2019 | Condom use intentions mediate the relationships between psychosocial constructs and HIV sexual risk behavior in young Black men who have sex with men. | AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV |
Galletly, C.L., Lechuga, J., Glasman, L.R., DiFranceisco, W., Broaddus, M.R., Dickson-Gomez, J.B., McAuliffe, T.L., Vega, M., LeGrand, S., Mena, C.A., Barlow, M.L., and Montenegro, J.I. | 2019 | HIV Testing and Mistaken Beliefs about Immigration Laws | Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities |
Malta, M., Silva, A.B., LeGrand, S., Whetten, K., and Wells, S. | 2019 | HIV/AIDS, human rights, and transgender people in Latin America | The Lancet Public Health |
Naar, S., Hudgens, M.G., Brookmeyer, R., Carcone, A.I., Chapman, J., Chowdhury, S., Ciaranello, A., Comulada, W.S., Ghosh, S., Horvath, K.J., Ingram, L., LeGrand, S., Reback, C.J., Simpson, K., Stanton, B., Starks, T. & Swendeman, D. | 2019 | Improving the Youth HIV Prevention and Care Cascades: Innovative Designs in the Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions | AIDS Patient Care and STDs |
Reif, S., Wilson, E., McAllaster, C. & Pence, B. | 2019 | The Relationship of HIV-related Stigma and Health Care Outcomes in the US Deep South | AIDS and Behavior |
Finnegan, A., Langhaug, L., Schenk, K., Puffer, E.S., Rusakaniko, S., Choi, Y., Mahaso, S. & Green, E.P. | 2019 | The prevalence and process of pediatric HIV disclosure: A population-based prospective cohort study in Zimbabwe | PLOS One |
Breckenridge, T.A., Black-Hughes, C., Rautenbach, J. and McKinley, M. | 2019 | HIV/AIDS orphans in South Africa: NGO interventions supporting transitions to alternative care | International Social Work |
Harding, R., Wei, G., Gwyther, L. and Miti, E. | 2019 | Improving psychological outcomes for orphans living with HIV in Tanzania through a novel intervention to improve resilience: findings from a pilot RCT | AIDS Care |
Burkholder, M. | 2019 | The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Orphans in a South African Context. | N/A |
McCumber, M., Cain, D., LeGrand, S., Mayer, K. H., Murphy, D. A., Psioda, M. A., Seña, A. C., Starks, T. J., and Hudgens, M. | 2018 | Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions Data Harmonization: Rationale and Development of Guidelines | JMIR research protocols |
Hightow-Weidman, L.S., LeGrand, S., Muessig, K.E., Simmons, R.A., Soni, K., Choi, S.K., Kirschke-Schwartz, H. & Egger, J.R. | 2018 | A Randomized Trial of an Online Risk Reduction Intervention for Young Black MSM | AIDS and Behavior |
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Kalomo, E., Lee, K. H., and Besthorn, F. | 2017 | Depressive symptoms among older caregivers raising children impacted by HIV/AIDS in the Omusati Region of Namibia | Health Care for Women International |
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Heath, M.A., Donald, D.R., Theron, L.C. and Lyon, R.C. | 2014 | AIDS in South Africa: Therapeutic interventions to strengthen resilience among orphans and vulnerable children | School Psychology International |
Kumar, S.P., Dandona, R., Kumar, G.A., Ramgopal, S.P. and Dandona, L. | 2014 | Depression among AIDS-orphaned children higher than among other orphaned children in southern India | International journal of mental health systems |
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Yu, Y., Li, X., Zhang, L., Zhao, J., Zhao, G., Zheng, Y. and Stanton, B. | 2013 | Domestic chores workload and depressive symptoms among children affected by HIV/AIDS in China | AIDS CARE |
Wild, L.G., Flisher, A.J. and Robertson, B.A. | 2013 | Risk and Resilience in Orphaned Adolescents Living in a Community Affected by AIDS | Youth & Society |
Boyes, M.E., Mason, S.J. and Cluver, L.D. | 2013 | Validation of a brief stigma-by-association scale for use with HIV/AIDS-affected youth in South Africa | AIDS Care |
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Nyberg, B.J., Yates, D.D., Lovich, R., Coulibaly-Traore, D., Sherr, L., Thurman, T.R., Sampson, A. and Howard, B. | 2012 | Saving Lives for a Lifetime: Supporting Orphans and Vulnerable Children Impacted by HIV/AIDS | Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes |
Campbell, C., Skovdal, M., Mupambireyi, Z., Madanhire, C., Nyamukapa, C. and Gregson, S. | 2012 | Building adherence-competent communities: Factors promoting children's adherence to anti-retroviral HIV/AIDS treatment in rural Zimbabwe | Health and Place |
Kuo, C., Operario, D. and Cluver, L. | 2012 | Depression amongst carers of AIDS-orphaned and other-orphaned children in Umlazi Township, South Africa | Global Public Health |
Cluver, L.D., Orkin, M., Boyes, M.E., Garnder, F. and Nikelo, J. | 2012 | AIDS-Orphanhood and Caregiver HIV/AIDS Sickness Status: Effects on Psychological Symptoms in South African Youth | Journal of Pediatric Psychology |
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