Potential Selective Responding in a Parent Questionnaire Study of Post-Institutionalized Children
Article Title: Potential Selective Responding in a Parent Questionnaire Study of Post-Institutionalized Children
Authors: Brandi N. Hawk, Amanda Wright, Megan M. Julian, Johana M. Rosas, Emily C. Merz & Robert B. McCall
Abstract: This study assesses selective responding in a single wave of data collection and a four-wave study. Participants were 121 parents of post-institutionalized children, identified as “never responders,” “previous responders,” or “wave 4 responders.” Parents evaluated their adopted child’s family, school, peer, and behavioral adjustment. Children (47% male) were 2 to 20 years old (M = 10.79, SD = 4.59) and adopted between 5 and 54 months of age (M = 15.49, SD = 9.94). Within a single wave of data collection, no evidence suggested that selective responding contributes much bias. Over a multi-wave study, however, results may under-represent adjustment difficulties.
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