Impact of AIDS epidemic on schooling of orphans in sub-Saharan Africa

Title: The impact of the AIDS epidemic on the schooling of orphans and other directly affected children in sub-Saharan Africa

Author: Bennell, P.

Date: 2005

Abstract:  This report examines the three groups of schoolchildren that are directly affected by the AIDS epidemic, namely children who are HIV positive or have AIDS, children who are orphaned by parents or guardians suffering from the disease, and children taking care of sick family members. The impact so far, of the epidemic on the schooling of these children, likely effects on them over the next 10-15 years, and the school-based support and national policies and strategies needed to reduce their education-loss, are discussed.

Citation: Bennell, P. (2005). “The impact of the AIDS epidemic on the schooling of orphans and other directly affected children in sub-Saharan Africa.” Journal of Development Studies 41(3): 467(422).


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