FAO produces new policy brief on livelihood-based social protection for OVCs

Click here to view the FAO’s policy brief, “Protecting Africa’s future: Livelihood-based social protection for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in east and southern Africa”

Here is a summary from the brief:

Despite the existence of noteworthy policy and investment in programmes aimed at responding to these children’s needs, too many programmes remain ill-equipped to cater for their needs in a sustainable and cost-effective way. This is partly as a result of gaps in OVC social protection policy and legislation.

Here are four recommendations offered by the FAO’s brief:

  • “Drafting stand alone social protection policies to fill these gaps.”
  • “Strengthening existing policy frameworks.”
  • “Livelihoods based social protection which refers to initiatives aimed at reducing vulnerability and providing social transfers to the poor.”
  • “Protecting the vulnerable against livelihood risks and enhancing the social status of the marginalised.”



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